As the highlight when studying Music I was given the opportunity to work along with Kilmacolm Primary school on their school project, which was to write and produce a CD called “Musical Mayhem”
We worked with Primary’s 5, 6 and 7 writing songs on various topics such as Teachers, School trips etc. Along with other students from James Watt College, the CD was written, rehearsed, recorded and produced in 6 weeks!
Primary 6 and 7 sang a song that I wrote for them especially called
“All The Songs Were Singing”, which can be sampled below.
Speaking for myself I will never forget how enthusiastic and hard-working the pupils, Head Teacher Sheena MacFarlane and teachers were in completing this project..
Especially Primary 6/7 teachers Laura Hogan and Wendy Foreman
It was a pleasure to work with them and we had a fantastic time!!